Neuron Data Integration - Virtual Operator
The diversity of data formats and sources makes very difficult the integration of systems, needing in most of the cases manual intervention, development of conversion programs and sometimes the load of unnecessary data. To avoid these costs and problems Sinapbit developed a tool that allows the flow of information from different sources and formats to other sources and formats, even running applications, to automate processes and to make translations of values in the transfers. There are many applications that requires these features :notifications and escalations in CRM systems that doesn't have them or they are very difficult to configure, mailing to customers according to certain conditions, integration among different systems that have different databases, data input via mal, automatic report generation, running application started via mail or database record condition, server notifications via mail and many others. | |
INPUTS: You can receive mails, files or database records and they could come in different structured formats as those that come from a database, XML, files with fields separators characters, end of records, delimiters or not structured like normal sentences where Neuron takes the information that is between two configurable words. The information can be filtered according to the confiured conditions according to the entrance type and it can manage several mail accounts simultaneously. | |
OUTPUTS: The information processed at the entrance is available to different types of outputs and formats. It is as well as data that enters from an e-mail can go in another e-mail with another format, in a database, in a file creation,or/and another file with XML format and also run an application, and all this triggered with a single input. | |
CONNECTIONS: The connections settles down the relationship between inputs and outputs, frequency pooling according to the case and if it needs of translation or conversion of the processed values. | |
Translation / Conversion: When data are transferred among different systems many times it is necessary to convert amounts of money of a currency to other, or dates formats, this is what Neuron processes like a conversion. When certain words or codes are required to change it is carried out by a translation. The translations can be carried out simultaneously for the different fields of an input. | |
Sample Applications: